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Responding to Community Needs


Hospitals have always played an essential role in supporting and caring for our communities. They often act as the place where life begins and ends and provide a healing environment for challenges in between. Especially in smaller communities, hospitals are often some of the largest employers and are geographically centered. Hospitals can also serve a greater purpose by supporting community-wide health initiatives.

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When Best Practices Don’t Apply


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic is a moment in history when the way we lived, worked and played seemingly changed in an instant. For many organizations, like Medxcel, this included a major overhaul in how we operated to not only continue delivering a high level of care, but also protect patients and staff at a time when we didn’t know much about the virus or how it spread.

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The Science Behind Compassion in Patient Care


Compassion is a critical part of patient care, and its benefits extend far beyond the patient. Eric Waller is Medxcel’s Vice President of Field Support Services and has seen compassion at work firsthand throughout his career.

It’s not just anecdotal evidence.

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5 Key Components of Effective Emergency Management Planning


When dealing with an emergency situation, the greatest strength in an organization is a well-developed plan. And, if there’s any period of time that taught us the importance of emergency management plans, it’s been the COVID-19 pandemic. Every community relies on healthcare to serve its people. In times of crisis, this is even more apparent as patient care becomes critical to the health of the community.

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Putting the “Hospital” in “Hospitality”


Picture the last time you stayed at a nice hotel or ate dinner at a fancy restaurant. Was there soft but ample lighting? Cozy seating arrangements? Did you see or use a digital kiosk or tablet provided by hospitality staff? The hospitality industry exists to ensure customers have an enjoyable experience away from home. As noted by hospitality tech provider Cvent, “Making sure each individual guest is taken care of is paramount.”

This is true for hospitals, too. The patient experience is paramount to deliver quality care. It starts with employees and extends to patients’ families and visitors, and anyone who enters a healthcare facility.

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Overcoming Supply Chain Obstacles


Ensuring healthcare facilities secure necessary tools is a complex process. Additional challenges compounded quickly at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have since shifted the way organizations approach healthcare supply chain strategies. From identifying offshore versus onshore manufacturers and engaging in dual-sourcing to closely observing political changes and practicing foresight, healthcare facilities are able to set in motion new strategies that ensure their employees have the equipment they need.

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Spring Storms, Year-Round


We all know the spring weather adages: March is “in like a lion, out like a lamb;” “April showers bring May flowers.” In general, these still hold true, but the traditional seasons we once observed for weather patterns and natural disasters are becoming less defined. While we can anticipate seeing an uptick in flooding across the US and tornadoes are more likely to touch down in the Midwest in the spring, we can’t flip a switch on when to prepare for these disasters.

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Creating a Culture of Trust in Healthcare Workspaces


Trust creates the foundation for strong relationships and effective teamwork. Healthcare leaders cannot expect trust within their teams without honesty, transparency and empathy. The trust-building process requires leaders to consistently align their behavior with their expectations, which influences team dynamics. Healthcare is relationship-based work, and devoting energy to strengthening relationships creates a culture of trust that allows teams to work in unison to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.

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Creating a Culture of Trust in Healthcare Workspaces


Trust creates the foundation for strong relationships and effective teamwork. Healthcare leaders cannot expect trust within their teams without honesty, transparency and empathy. The trust-building process requires leaders to consistently align their behavior with their expectations, which influences team dynamics. Healthcare is relationship-based work, and devoting energy to strengthening relationships creates a culture of trust that allows teams to work in unison to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.

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Female Leadership in Healthcare: An Inspiring Conversation


Only 15% of healthcare organization CEOs are women, and women hold just 30% of senior leadership positions in healthcare. You don’t need us to tell you that’s not enough. Fortunately, we were able to sit down with two of those leaders on Medxcel’s Outside the Patient’s Door podcast. CEO of Clinch Memorial Hospital, Angela Ammons, and Medxcel’s VP of Client Services, Maureen Larkins, share how they rose through the ranks, the wisdom they gained along the way, and their advice for women engaging in a similar career path – in any industry.

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Balancing Patient Care and Sustainability


Hospitals are one of the biggest energy consumers in the business sector. They are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist patients seeking treatment and physicians providing care. Every hospital operation requires energy to function within its tight safety and environmental limits, which include environmental systems that maintain humidity levels and adequate pressurization and the ability to produce steam to disinfect equipment for procedures.


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Compliance 201: Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Facility


Regulations and compliance standards are critical in healthcare. They improve patient safety, monitor care quality and hold healthcare professionals accountable to their patients and communities. Unsurprisingly, COVID-19 presented new operational and safety challenges to healthcare facilities that tested their abilities to pivot from entrenched standards to rapidly changing guidelines. Medxcel’s facilities fared well in the face of pandemic-related compliance changes because we go beyond the basics when it comes to keeping patients, staff and visitors safe.

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Disaster Preparation & Recovery with FEMA Assistance


Mid-December is not when you expect to see tornado warnings. Unfortunately, this month saw a devastating tornado event across the South and Midwest that left 88 dead and 122 missing. The first priority of a healthcare facility is always the provision of care in the community. Healthcare workers and first responders take responsibility for the first step of the healing process after a disaster. However, when damages from a severe storm impact a facility's ability to provide care, the next steps taken for recovery are crucial.

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Managing a Pandemic Response: Omicron Variant


You don’t have to look too far to find news headlines about the latest COVID-19 variant and how quickly it can spread among individuals. While initially identified in South Africa, Omicron now makes up roughly 95% of new COVID-19 infections as of this writing. We have touched on this topic before, but as new strains continue to pop up, we must ensure we are prepared for COVID for the long run by learning about variants’ transmissibility and applying the knowledge we have gained during the pandemic thus far.

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Facility Design and Technology: A Pandemic Response


The battle with COVID-19 is not over just yet. As we complete year two of a global pandemic, the loved ones we have lost, the economic turmoil of worldwide shutdown and questions surrounding prevention have all been at the forefront of our minds. Meanwhile, facility design and healthcare technology are probably not things you consider very often, if at all.

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Lessons Learned From “Outside the Patient’s Door” This Season


On the debut season of “Outside the Patient’s Door,” we talked with some of healthcare’s top innovators to hear how they are tackling the complex problems many leaders and the healthcare industry as a whole face today. Since we’ve uncovered a myriad of great ideas and strategies, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what our guests shared with us in season one. Here are the highlights:

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How Hospitals Responded to the Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic required organizations to reimagine their operations. Healthcare facilities big and small, urban and rural, all experienced challenges that they met head-on with constant pivoting and operational changes in order to protect their patients and employees. Let’s explore how the responses of hospital facilities have and continue to mitigate COVID challenges.

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Preventing Burnout in Healthcare


In an environment where burnout is prevalent, ensuring healthcare workers feel appreciated and engaged is vital to the health of an organization. Due to the nature of the work, it is incredibly important to help nurses, physicians and all other healthcare facility professionals see that they’re valued in their work environment by their colleagues, leaders and patients.
When appreciation is a part of a company’s culture, it leads to lower rates of burnout, higher retention and better patient outcomes. Read on to learn how to craft simple yet impactful programs that ensure associates feel valued.

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Creating Safe Environments That Empower Leadership


Successful leaders empower their teams, but how do you place trust in others when wrong decisions can be detrimental to patient care? Read on as we provide guidance on how organizations can entrust their teams to make their own decisions.

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The Invaluable Benefits of Facilities Management


COVID-19 certainly challenged the healthcare industry as a whole. But there was one group that helped set all healthcare facilities up for success: facilities management teams. These teams were prepared to pivot and adapt quickly at a time when every moment counted (and still does!). Facilities management teams are an invaluable benefit and service of healthcare organizations, one that can reduce costs, ensure safety and get your facility back to what you do best – caring for patients.


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