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4 methods to protect healthcare organizations and staff against workplace violence


Workplace violence. For healthcare workers, it can be as simple as a patient grabbing a nurse or an associate being bullied by co-workers. Unfortunately, it can also be as grave as a deadly assault. No matter the severity, it’s vital that healthcare organizations find effective measures to eliminate violence and protect their workforce.

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Holiday Hazards: Eight Practices for Faster Holiday-Related Crisis Resolution in Healthcare


The holidays are supposed to be a time of joyous celebration with family, friends and loved ones. However, no amount of holiday cheer can prepare your facility for the amount of crises that can arise during the season.

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Medxcel Awarded "Elite 8" Designation from Achievers' 50 Most Engaged Workplaces


It’s an honor for Medxcel to be recognized for our corporate culture, and we are proud to have been recognized as one of the nation’s most engaged workplaces through the Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces™ in North America award for the third year in a row.

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3 tips for minimizing regulatory overload


Federal legislation is implemented to ensure superior, safe and reliable patient care. However, for many healthcare organizations, new regulation can feel more like a headache than anything else. More recently, everyone from clinical staff members to facilities managers have seen an increased amount of time spent on regulatory compliance.

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Avoiding CEOs’ biggest fears: Aging workforce and succession planning


Becker’s Hospital Review reported in 2017 that developing the next generation of leaders who have the skills to remake the business is one of the leading concerns among 555 surveyed CEOs. The top worry? Their ability to retain and attract premier talent for the succession.

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Medxcel named one of the nation's most engaged workplaces for third consecutive year


This prestigious award identifies top employers that display superior leadership and innovation in engaging their workplaces and employees.

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Value formula for high-performing healthcare facilities


Healthcare leaders are often tasked with seeking new ways to do, earn and serve more to sustain and improve performance-related business outcomes. In the hospital setting, it’s easy to first think of the patient audience and healing environment; however, without a highly engaged workforce, the healing environment suffers.

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Three Days, Three Presentations: The 56th ASHE Annual Conference


Each summer, Medxcel executives look forward to participating in the ASHE Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition. This year they travelled to Seattle to attend the 56th annual conference July 14-17. This conference, held by The American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE), gives major healthcare facility management and engineering professionals a platform to brainstorm, share ideas, and network. Not only did Medxcel executives attend the ASHE Annual Conference, they gave two presentations and participated in an expert panel regarding the optimization of healthcare facilities’ physical environments. Learn more about their three presentations below.

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Weathering the storm: 4 key components of disaster preparedness


During last year’s catastrophic hurricane season, it wasn’t luck that kept many coastal hospitals functional: it was preparation. However, while some hospitals could continue to provide adequate medical care through the destruction, others weren’t able to overcome the delayed or interrupted medical care.

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Standardization as a Compliance Advantage for Healthcare Facilities


You’re familiar with standardization as an efficiency tactic, but a compliance advantage? In reality, the documented impact of large-scale standardization on regulatory compliance can be dramatic.

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Countering issue blindness and staying ahead of the curve in facilities regulatory compliance


It’s tough enough to keep your facilities survey-ready, but even more so when regulators implement changes and you’re scrambling to adjust before you’re hit with a survey finding. With regulatory requirements, you’re either behind the gun or ahead of the curve - there’s really no in-between. 

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Policy Check: Don't forget about the little guys


In September of 2016 the Federal Register posted the final rule on Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers. The regulation went into effect in November of 2016 and healthcare providers and suppliers falling under this new rule were required to comply by implementing regulations by November of 2017.  

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Looking through the frosted glass


Imagine for a minute, that you aren’t an executive in a healthcare organization.  Your child was just admitted to the local hospital with severe breathing problems.  The doctors and nurses have been in and out of that hospital room many times, running tests, hooking up IVs and checking oxygen levels.  The feeling of helplessness has overcome you, because naturally all parents just want their children to be healthy and happy, no matter what their age is.   

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6 Steps for a Patient-Focused Active Shooter Plan


Not long ago, a cardiologist was shot at a hospital in Massillon, Ohio, by a gunman who then took his own life. It was one of three active shooter incidents reported by news media in the span of one week. No longer under the delusion that “this type of violence would never happen at our facility,” hospital leaders are increasingly anxious to establish or upgrade their active shooter plan — as they should.

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How to Prepare for Infectious & Contagious Diseases


An infectious disease is a disorder caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. A contagious disease is an infectious disease communicable by contact with one who has it.  Below you will find need-to-know information for an influenza, West Nile, Zika or other infectious disease outbreaks within a healthcare environment. 

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Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Information for Efficient Healthcare Facilities


Much of the groundwork for maintaining and delivering successful value-added services begins with technology. From the C-Suite all the way down to the techs onsite, healthcare organizations are deeply reliant on data and technology. However, technology is only as good as the people who leverage it, so is it a powerful asset or a great hindrance for facilities management operations? 

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6 Considerations for Healthcare Facilities in Wildfire-Struck Communities


Nearly a month after the Thomas Fire started, California families and businesses remain on edge as the wind-whipped fires and smoke consume their communities. Already, the fires have destroyed at least 1,024 structures and damaged 250 more, reported CBS. "We are still on guard," fire information officer Rudy Evenson told CBS. "It's been a very unpredictable fire and we just don't know what these winds are going to do." 

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2017: A Year in Review with Medxcel FM


2017 marked another incredible year for Medxcel Facilities Management, full of amazing achievements and successes. Although this is not an exhaustive list, we thought we would share the highlights with you.

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Improving Environment of Care Compliance, Patient Safety & Satisfaction


One of the most asked questions of hospital leaders is “How can our hospital avoid getting requirements for improvement (RFIs)?” Mark Pelletier, The Joint Commission’s Chief Operating Officer for Accreditation and Certification Operations, had a simple answer in an article he wrote: “Take a good look at your environment of care and life safety areas.” Although the regulatory landscape has shifted significantly since Pelletier wrote those words back in 2014, environment of care and life safety remain the heaviest cited areas during a survey to this day.  

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When Contracts Hurt: Considering Two Workforce Scenarios for Healthcare Facilities


As the healthcare terrain shifts, a growing number of healthcare facilities are learning that replacing full-time employees with external service contracts is a great way to amass needless expenses and inefficiencies in the long run — even if the short-term savings look great on their balance sheet. 

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