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The Delta Variant Means it’s Time to Prepare for COVID for the Long Run


COVID continues to dominate the news and our emergency rooms. The Delta variant has been the primary strain in the U.S. for some time now, and additional variants of concern/interest are also circulating. While we hoped for a clear end to the pandemic, experts predict that COVID will become endemic, in that it will continue to circulate for years to come.

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Encouraging Engaged Excellence in Healthcare


At Medxcel, we believe in motivating our healthcare facilities to be engaged with our partners and communities to encourage connection, education and improvement. We even have an awards program dedicated to it! The Sites of Engaged Excellence Awards -- or SEE Awards -- recognize engagement excellence in our hospitals.

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Medxcel Recognized as an Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplace®


Workplace culture is always important, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been imperative for our associates to feel appreciated and inspired.  We are proud of the programs we have in place to boost our associates, as well as the new programs we’ve implemented in the past year to address the changing workplace. We’re also honored to be recognized by Achievers as one of the 50 Most Engaged Workplaces® for our efforts, but it’s our associates who made the recognition possible.

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Integrating Sustainability Practices in the Healthcare Space


Many years ago, it was common practice for doctors to make house calls.  Over time, healthcare was centralized in offices or hospitals to increase efficiencies.  As technology advances, physicians are once again able to make “house calls”, albeit virtually.  Virtual visits allow the healthcare industry to practice sustainability in ways they haven’t been able to before, such as operating in a smaller footprint, redeveloping existing buildings to be more efficient and utilizing resources more thoroughly. 

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Finding Purpose in Mentorship


Mentorship is often an overlooked area in an employee’s developing career, but the significance of a mentoring relationship cannot be overstated. At an individual level, mentorship becomes a symbiotic relationship between mentor and mentee. For the organization as a whole, mentors provide long-term financial growth and build a legacy that maintains the company’s vision, mission and culture. Here, we pride ourselves on creating and maintaining mentorships that guide our associates throughout their journey at Medxcel. Mentoring is important for anyone in the healthcare industry, a field that is ever-changing and requires consistent, meaningful conversations.

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Instilling Pride Within a Workforce


Creating a culture where employees feel pride in their work can be an afterthought - especially when leaders are often busy executing their own jobs - but it is a crucial foundation for building a positive workplace environment. At Medxcel, we prioritize instilling pride among our team members by celebrating our employees’ successes, both personally and professionally. With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, our employees have had to adapt to address new challenges, showcasing their creativity, innovation and quality of work.

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Boosting Employee Engagement During the Pandemic


Keeping employees engaged at work has its own set of challenges, and when employees experience fear, uncertainty or anxiety during times of crisis, engagement proves even more difficult. With the global COVID-19 pandemic, Medxcel was able to successfully engage thousands of employees amid rapidly changing circumstances by relying on established employee programs and developing new ways to drive satisfaction.

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Advancing the Future of Emergency Management


Emergency management departments are crucial to the safety of any facility, as they are responsible for preparing for unpredictable situations like natural disasters, power outages, medical catastrophes - or even all three at the same time. Although emergency management (EM) teams can handle a lot, this past year has presented many unique challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. EM teams everywhere are now using these experiences to formulate new solutions and plan for the future.

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Embracing Healthcare Technology Innovations to Improve Patient Care


As remote work has become widely embraced due to the pandemic, industries have been forced to adapt to technological innovations with a digital-first mindset. The healthcare industry is no different, and the digital transformation continues to drive new technologies to be fully integrated into everyday operations.

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Closing the Healthcare Skills Gap by Building Successful Training Programs


There is a significant shortage of skilled workers nationwide across all industries. In healthcare, this skills gap has a widespread impact as it decreases the quality of patient care and increases costs. The lack of skilled laborers available to be recruited by hospitals has also been further affected by staffing shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Medxcel Launches New Podcast: Outside the Patient’s Door


When we think about a hospital, we often think about the doctors, nurses and healthcare practitioners that directly provide quality patient care. However, there are many other crucial staff members, executives and facility managers just “outside the patient’s door” working tirelessly behind the scenes.
Our brand-new podcast, appropriately named Outside the Patient’s Door, highlights these dedicated associates and industry leaders who maintain safe, healing environments in healthcare facilities that allow our clinical staff to focus on what’s most important - treating patients.

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Preparing Healthcare Facilities for Tornado Season


Spring is here, and so is a new tornado season in the United States, with predicted above-average tornado activity. On March 26, 23 tornadoes were reported across Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, causing 5 deaths and devastating destruction.  Healthcare facilities must not only be prepared to keep patients, staff and visitors safe during a tornado, but must also be equipped to receive a surplus of victims from any disaster, as these locations often serve as safe havens in their communities. Every year, weather-related disasters lead to approximately 500 deaths and result in $15 billion in damages. By maintaining an environment safe from tornadoes, hospitals can focus on what’s most important – treating patients.  

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Why PDC Should Always Include E


PDC is a common acronym in facilities management. Planning, Design and Construction is the capital program that enables facilities to grow. Medxcel PDC specifically has a dedicated focus on people and customers, and provides tools, processes, support resources, data analytics and insource strategies that drive results. One of the ways we do this is through energy. Really, it should be more common with the PDC acronym overall – PDC+E – because energy is a key strategy that integrates across the PDC processes to deliver the highest quality projects to our stakeholders.

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Associates Build Long-Term Care COVID-19 Safe Visitor Booth


Here at Medxcel, our common purpose dictates what the customer experience should be at an emotional level.  Part of delivering excellent service is understanding when to be off-task because it is necessary to be on purpose.  As a company, we empower our associates to use both task and purpose to support life’s moments by enabling safe and healthy environments for our community.  Associates who embody our common purpose are celebrated monthly with an award called Medxcel Moments. 
Our incredible team has been working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic for the past year, making significant modifications to the way they do their jobs while keeping safety at the forefront.  This “new normal” provided a platform for innovative achievements to take shape. 

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The Role Facilities Teams Play in a Vaccine Distribution Plan


COVID-19 vaccines are here, with two authorized vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna now being distributed to frontline workers and vulnerable elderly populations. The vaccine is about 95% effective in protecting us against COVID-19, and to date 48 million doses have been given in the U.S., with an estimated 5.8 million doses being given each day.
While social distancing will continue to be imperative for keeping everyone safe, these vaccines are a crucial step to ending the pandemic. With healthcare facilities teams across the country working overtime this past year to combat the spread of this infectious disease, many facilities managers are now asking themselves, “what now?”

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Preparing for Any Emergency to Keep Patients Safe


On December 25th, 2020, our Medxcel campus in Nashville faced an emergency situation with the bombing in nearby downtown.  Amidst medical emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic and the seasonal flu, our facilities still must be prepared for the unexpected emergency. Unlike the weather, dire situations like this cannot be forecast, so it’s vital to always be ready to act.

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Medxcel Adds Consulting as an Independent Service


Exciting news to share at Medxcel! We have announced a new standalone Consulting service in addition to our current service offerings (previously, Consulting was only available within a standard service contract). This expansion will provide organizational leaders and facility managers with a 360-degree view of their organization’s current state to better handle compliance regulations, ligature risks, life safety drawings, and mechanical, electrical and plumbing concerns.

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A Year in Review & Look Ahead to 2021


2020 presented many challenges for healthcare facilities across the globe with the impact of COVID-19. While it wasn’t easy, our teams banded together to achieve new successes. Looking back at the last 12 months, we wanted to share some of our most memorable 2020 highlights with you - from constructing new building projects, to fighting COVID-19 along the seasonal flu and everything in between - and share what’s in store for us in 2021.

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Modular Construction Growing in Popularity in Healthcare


The $400 billion healthcare construction industry has seen many changes over the years. As healthcare construction has evolved, new materials and technologies have been introduced, and building standards, which are set by the Facility Guidelines Institute and reviewed by The Joint Commission, have been updated. Many trends have come and gone, but there’s one trend that is continuing to expand and set to advance the industry – prefabrication and modular construction.

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Utilizing an Integrated Engineering Model


How does a hospital facility team determine when they need to perform renovations instead of maintenance? How does that team prioritize and request capital? Then, how does an entire healthcare system prioritize multiple facilities when they are requesting funds for renovations? These questions may run through the minds of healthcare facility managers and health system officials often.

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