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Industry Voices - 10 Steps to workplace violence reduction in healthcare


According to the American Institute of Stress, 25% of workers have felt like screaming or shouting because of job stress, and 10% are concerned about an individual at work who could become violent.

Unfortunately, these fears of violence are not unfounded, and in healthcare, it can be more than coworkers who become violent.

In Minnesota in 2014, a 68-year-old hospital patient attacked a team of nurses with a bar from the side of his bed. In Chicago in 2018, a hospital shooting left two innocent healthcare workers and a law enforcement officer dead, heightening healthcare leaders’ already existing fears about violence in the healing environment.

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House calls are making a virtual revival.


As healthcare providers, we know that telehealth allows physicians to deliver medical, health and education services by utilizing telecommunications and electronic information technologies. Telehealth supports long-distance communication through real-time video conferencing, remote patient monitoring or mobile alerts (such as targeted texts or mass notifications about certain disease outbreaks). Patients across the country can now connect to their doctors with the simple touch of a button.

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10 Steps to Workplace Violence Reduction


Workplace violence entails “any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site,” according to OSHA. With nearly 2 million American workers reporting that they have been victims of workplace violence each year, the time is now to act against this too-common occurrence.

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Patients, not Paperwork


Regulations are created for a reason – keeping patients safe and providing quality care. Today, physicians and facilities are looking for ways to reduce costs and save time, while still providing quality care. In this guest post, Larry Lacombe, VP of program development, support and FM compliance at a company specializing in facilities management, safety, environment of care, emergency management and compliance, offers a systematic approach to find which CMS burden reductions are best for your patients.

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The Future of Telehealth and What it Means for Facilities Management


While our healthcare industry has certainly advanced from the 20th century, telehealth is putting a 21st century spin on the old-fashioned house call. Now, instead of opening a door, patients simply need to open an app.

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Medxcel Exec Stresses the Importance of Compliance Training


Medxcel Vice President, Program Development, Support and FM Compliance Officer Larry Lacombe is quick to stress the importance of regulatory compliance in the healthcare field.  Lacombe is in charge of developing and implementing compliance programs for Medxcel to ensure that his firm’s nationwide network of hospitals is survey-ready, anytime of the day or night, for the Indianapolis-based company.

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Data, communication and engagement


Jennefer Pursifull, VP of Marketing and Damian Skelton, Area VP share insights with Health Facilities Management Magazine on the impacts of disengagement to a healthcare organization. They also cover the value formula to turn the page on a more engaged workforce and, in turn, a more profitable healthcare organization.

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Regulatory Rollout: Keys to Educating Healthcare Facility Staff


When staff are properly educated, healthcare facilities will find it much easier to comply with regulatory requirements. Larry Lacombe, VP of Program Development, Support and FM Compliance shares three recommendations with BOSS Magazine on what healthcare executives should consider to appropriately educate healthcare facility staff on regulatory compliance.

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How to maintain compliance with third-party vendors


All hospitals strive for 100 percent compliance. Having a safe, functional environment to provide the best care possible to patients is the ultimate goal for caregivers and executives alike.

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Accreditation Prep Should Be Constant, but Watch for Current Trends


Accreditation and compliance issues are constant concerns for quality improvement professionals, with new challenges frequently adding to the burden. The key to addressing the concerns is to take a long-term approach and not focus on upcoming surveys, several experts say, including Medxcel's VP of Program Development & Facilities Compliance Larry Lacombe.  

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Building Analytics: The future of facility operations


"How's it going today?" You probably hear this question every day.  While it's a casual greeting, when coming from your hospital's COO, they may not be just asking about you, but asking about their hospital, too.  The future of facilities operations will likely involve building analytics.  Medxcel's Director of Energy and Facility Performance Excellence, Jim Prince shared insights with HealthCare Business News on the importance of analytics and how to leverage technology for facility performance. 

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Opioids and Workplace Violence: Is there a correlation?


Workplace violence, including physical assaults and threats of assault directed toward persons at work or on duty, is a growing issue within the healthcare setting.  Many operate under the common belief that majority of violence occurs between co-workers. However, statistics show that 80 percent of incidents stem from patients.

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Medxcel Joins FirstNet – America’s Public Safety Communications Platform


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 14, 2018 — Medxcel is connecting its emergency management teams to FirstNet – public safety’s dedicated communications platform. This tech upgrade allows Medxcel to equip eligible hospital personnel with new capabilities and reliable wireless access to critical information, so they can better serve patients at its facilities across the country.

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Industry Voices - 3 ways healthcare providers can take advantage of CMS' reduced burdens


It goes without saying that both regulation and accreditation are crucial to ensuring that healthcare providers and facilities uphold nationwide standards in patient care. 
While both hold healthcare providers accountable to their patients and community, strengthen patient safety and measure quality and safety of care, federal regulations require a great deal of physicians’ time—not to mention the looming penalties they could face if they fall short.

Ensuring that healing environments are meeting and exceeding standards of patient care should not be a burden. CMS recently launched its “Patients over Paperwork” initiative to identify what stakeholders consider burdensome in the healthcare environment. 

Larry Lacombe, VP Program Development & Facilities Compliance shared insights with FierceHealthcare on how healthcare facilities can take advantage of this change. 

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Efforts to Prevent Healthcare Violence Gain Momentum


Violence in healthcare has been an ongoing challenge, and more alarming, has been accepted as "part-of-the-job."  That may change as a proposed federal law follows Joint Commission action.  

Relias Media called on workplace violence experts, including Medxcel's VP of Emergency Management, EC & Safety, Scott Cormier, to weigh in on the impacts of this potential change and how healthcare organizations can make some impactful changes now to reduce workplace violence within their hospitals.  

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Patients over paperwork


Regulation is necessary to ensure healthcare providers and facilities uphold nationwide standards in patient care, but it takes a great deal of time.  

CMS proposed a rule to remove "unnecessary, obsolete or excessively burdensome Medicare compliance requirements for healthcare facilities."  Less red tape means less paperwork, and more time for everything else. How can healthcare facilities take advantage of CMS's reduced burdens? 

Medxcel's VP of Program Development and Facilities Compliance Larry Lacombe shared his insights with Becker's Hospital Review.

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4 Considerations When Designing Pediatric Healthcare Units


When it comes to design, pediatric healthcare units are different. The tiny patients they care for in these spaces not only require special care, but they require special design choices, too.  Medxcel's VP of Planning, Design & Construction, Dan Scher shared with Becker's Hospital Review 4 considerations when designing pediatric healthcare units. 

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'How's my hospital running today?'


'How's my hospital running today?' is a fair question for the COO of a hospital to ask a member of the hospital's facilities department. While it could be a casual greeting, if pressed, how would your facilities team answer the question? Could they answer with measurable data?  

As facility managers look to the future of facility operations, it's undeniable that the future will likely involve buidling analytics.  In an article published by Healthcare Facilities Today, Jim Prince, Medxcel's Director of Energy and Performance Excellence covers how building analytics plays a vital role in not only controlling energy usage, but it can also control the overall health of the facility as well.  

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CMS Developing More Uniform Ligature Risk Guidance


Patient suicide ranks among the top three sentinel events, reports The Joint Commission (TJC), prompting regulators to focus heavily on ligature risks.  Because of that, hospitals may soon have a more uniform set of guidance on protecting patients from ligature risk according to a memo issued by CMS to state survey agency directors, reports Relias Media.  In this article, Sue Andersen, Medxcel's National Director of Emergency Management, Environment of Care and Safety shares her insights on this topic with Relias Media. 

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Prioritizing Hospital CEOS' #1 Priority: Cost Control and the Physical Environment


According to Advisory Board’s Annual Health Care CEO Survey, cost control has surpassed revenue growth as healthcare system CEOs’ number one priority.  When discussing cost control in the physical space of a hospital, Medxcel's National Vice President of Operations, Matt Keahey has valuable insights that he shared with Boss Magazine on three ways to prioritize your facility to enable cost control. 

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