We are excited to announce that Medxcel regional manager of planning, design and construction Jeremy Fortier has been granted Senior status (SASHE) by the American Society of Healthcare Engineering! This designation is awarded to individuals who advance the field of healthcare engineering and facilities management through their volunteerism and contributions to the profession and society.

Jeremy has been a member of ASHE since 2007 and has demonstrated a great commitment to the industry by serving on two different healthcare boards during that time. Less than 1,000 leaders have received this award, dating back all the way to the 1970s. We are so proud to honor Jeremy and his contributions to the industry of facilities management!
To reach Senior status, members must be in good standing with ASHE, serve five consecutive years of membership and be actively employed in the field. Criteria for receiving this honor include a professional background involving academic accomplishment, professional certification, continuing education and more. Senior status ASHE members also demonstrate tremendous leadership, having held a position at a professional organization within seven years of application.
Candidates must also have experience as a speaker, instructor, panelist, moderator, etc. as well as publishing experience. Applications were reviewed and evaluated by ASHE’s Senior/Fellow task force and approved by the Executive Committee.
By meeting all of these criteria, Jeremy has displayed his strong work ethic and dedication. Jeremy is a leader within Medxcel and within the industry as a whole. Having associates advancing the profession of facilities management is crucial to Medxcel’s growth and the development of our services. Jeremy was recognized at the
57th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition, which took place virtually Oct. 5-7.
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